Behind the beautiful tourist facade in Antigua…

lies a generation of neglected youth exposed to the dangers of drugs, prostitution, witchcraft, and poverty.
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Build hope

Ryan Moore, Builders International Director

"Billy and Havilah are charting new territory as missionaries serving in Antigua as they plant New Life. We are excited to be helping them get out from under a tent so they will be equipped to serve the more youth who need a place to find hope."
Behind the beautiful Caribbean island nation of Antigua lies a generation of neglected, abused, and broken youth exposed to the dangers of drugs, prostitution, witchcraft, and poverty. The Youth Ministry Center will provide a safe place for youth to find hope and grow in Jesus.
The project includes purchasing property and building a multi-purpose gymnatorium style Youth Ministry Center for New Life Assembly. Billy and Havilah Roman planted this multicultural, bilingual, young, and active church that focuses heavily on youth, due to the large population of young people on the island. The church is involved in compassion ministries, worship, leadership training, youth outreach, and they recently experienced their first mission trip to their sister island of Barbuda!
The Antigua Youth Ministry Center will provide more opportunities for growth and stability of the church. It will give the adults, children, and especially the youth their own space in a safe environment for discipleship, learning new skills, and growing in Jesus. The church and youth center will be a hub of preparation to send out compassion and mission ministries to the nation of Antigua and beyond...a lighthouse of HOPE for this Caribbean island nation.
“Our Vision is not just for one single church plant, but for a Movement of church plants across the region." - Billy Roman

Meet Billy and Havilah Roman, missionaries serving on the island of Antigua!

Their ministry covers the surrounding islands of the West Indies. Billy and Havilah called to help plant churches in a region of over 20 islands in the West Indies where there are no Assemblies of God churches and to reach and minister to large populations of unreached, and Spanish-speaking immigrants for Christ.

In their current ministry, the Romans have planted New Life Assembly of God on Antigua. It is a Bi-lingual, multicultural church that is growing healthy leadership and new believers who will carry the gospel forward from Antigua and beyond. Their ministry provides pastoral and leadership training, reaching the lost with the good news of Jesus and touching the lives of the many homeless people, prostitutes, kids and addicted youth on the streets.

The Roman’s host missions’ teams who come and help with various ministries including children’s VBS, helping needy families repair their homes, street literature evangelism, youth ministry and so much more.

All seems hopeless in Nicaragua…
  • Second poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
  • Average salary is $300 per month.
  • ​New church plant growth is limited without a permanent facility.
  • Construction costs are high.

“There is an element of fear with each church plant. You don’t know how it will turn out.” - Nathan Alfaro

Why Nicaragua? Why Now?
  • ​The people are receptive to the Gospel and there is favor with the government!
  • ​The people are tenacious and work hard planting and growing the church!
“We are for everything God is doing, but want to focus on what God is doing through the local church. We are in love with the local church!” - Nathan Alfaro
Yes! I'm ready to join the community of finishers, working to provide a place for the lost in Nicaragua to find hope!
Your Mission Team will have an Amazing Experience!
  • Provide a place where people find hope.
  • ​Help establish, encourage, and empower the church!
  • ​​Eat the best gallo pinto ever!​
  • ​Exciting team excursion options.

"We Make it Easy to Mobilize Your Team!"

Mobilizing a mission team abroad is a huge challenge! 
Our mission trip package services make it simple by covering all the details for you. 
You will have the satisfaction of focusing on your team’s experience and knowing that you made a significant impact by building hope in a community that needs it most!

I am excited to join missionaries Nathan and Christine as they build the Casa de Mi Gloria church plant buildings, which will: 

  • Establish the local church.
  • Encourage the local church.
  • Empower the local church.
  • Equip the local church.

Yes! I'm ready to join the community of finishers, working to provide a place for the lost in Nicaragua to find hope!

Our Project Life Certified seal means you can have confidence knowing you are helping where HOPE is needed most.
The Antigua Youth Ministry Center project has been thoroughly vetted through our Project Life certification process. This means your generous contributions and mission teams will be highly effective in moving this project forward to completion.
"Let’s build hope in Antigua!" - Ryan Moore
Together we build PLACES where people find HOPE!
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